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Landscape Designs

Let's face it, everybody wishes his or her backyard was the garden of an English manor, but few of us have the kind of money to make that a reality. If you are like me, you don't have the money to spend on landscape designs, especially if you are the type of person who likes to get their house in tip top shape. That money would be better spent on having cabinets replaced, counters resurfaced, or bathrooms redone, not on comparatively simple outdoor work. But don't worry; you can construct beautiful, elegant landscape designs yourself with relatively little trouble.

Before you buy all kinds of expensive equipment to landscape your yard, it's important to think a lot and plan out some different landscape designs. Sure, we all like toys, and we'd all like to run out to home depot and get a truckload of new shiny tools, but you might find that, once you get to actually implementing your landscape design, you have a bunch of tools you don't need and are missing the ones that you do. For a week before I do any yard work, I like to carry around a notebook with me where I can sketch my landscape designs.
Sometimes it is nice to make a sheet with a rough layout of your yard, including house and other permanent structures, and trees that you are planning on keeping, and then run off several copies of it for sketching landscape designs on. I have a friend who designs landscapes for a living, and he also swears that it can't be done unless you are willing to spend hours just sitting in the yard, seeing what the land tells you.

At some point, you will have to decide how ambitious you want your landscape designs to be. Are you just up for planting trees and flowers? How about a fountain or a brick path? A stone patio? landscape designs come in different degrees of complexity. Probably, for the first one, you should just find one area of your yard that needs work and concentrate on landscape designs for that part. Maybe redesign your garden, or plant some new hedges to block off your back yard. Bite off too much, and your landscape designs are bound to be a failure, but start slowly and you'll be an old hand in no time. It won't be long until you will have the most beautiful home on the block.